Preguntas más Frecuentes
Money not credited
If the funds did not credited on the balance of your personal account, you need to write to us, indicating:
1) payment system;
2) the amount of payment;
3) date of payment;
4) payment time;
5) details of the sender (from which wallet the payment was made);
6) provide a screenshot or photo of a payment receipt with the above details.
To upload a translation, you can use the following file hosting service: dropmefiles
If you have a question about several payments, then write down each payment separately for the above points.
Also, we ask you to replenish the balance of your personal account only through our website. Periodically, our qiwi wallet changes and if you send it to an outdated one, the money will not be credited to you. The same rule applies to other payment systems.
Earnings / monetization of SIM cards
Our partners offer monetization options for SIM cards. Address them, we are sure you will find options of mutually beneficial cooperation.
How to find your API key?
You can find your API key in two places:
1) In the top header of the countries menu, below it is a table of services, in the "Settings" tab
By clicking on it, the API key will be displayed on top.
2) Click on your email address in the upper right and select "Settings" . This will open the options for customizing where the API key will be displayed.
Need help with API?
Instructions for working with the API protocol can be found in the "Info" section on the main panel of the site in the API sub-tab
If you require detailed instructions or help with the API, write to us in technical support, describing the situation in detail.
The account is banned
Many of our users use software that allows them to buy a huge number of rooms in a short period of time. The software may not work correctly and then this set of numbers will not be registered and will not be available to other users
To avoid such “downtime” numbers, the following rule applies on our website:
you must have at least 6% of successful activations for the service, the calculation comes from 100 purchased numbers. Otherwise, the system will block you automatically for 30 minutes for each subsequent failed activation
Statistics is reset to zero the next day at 00:00 Moscow time
Cash withdrawal
To withdraw funds from the balance of your personal account, write to tech support, indicating the exact amount of withdrawal.
The minimum withdrawal amount for all payment systems is 10 rubles .
Also, in order to improve our service, indicate the reason for the withdrawal
The withdrawal procedure after registration of the application may take up to 7 days. (Si deposita a través de Alipay, tardará 30 días en procesar su retirada.)
Does code come from Qiwi and Webmoney?
Registration of these electronic wallets is prohibited on our service!
We value our reputation and do not want to mess with "black" money, which often passes through electronic wallets. Therefore, according to the rules of our site, clause 7.1. Registration of electronic wallets Qiwi and Webmoney is prohibited on our website.
Choosing "Any other", you just wasting your time, registration codes will not be issued to you.
If you have not used your personal account for a long time
Due to the long time not using your personal account, it can be frozen (purchase of services is then impossible).
You must change the password to a new one that you have not previously used through the password recovery form.
After clicking on the link in the letter that was sent to the email address of your personal account.
Change password and continue to use the services of our resource.If you encounter any difficulties, then describe them in detail in the appeal to technical support.
Partner Software
We support software developers! There are already more than 200 programs in our database.
If you are a developer and want to discuss the terms and conditions, please contact telegram @Partner_commerse
Can't register on the site?
For full registration on the site you need to confirm your email address.
Follow the link in the letter that was sent to your email inbox, and don’t forget to check the Spam folder if necessary.
If the letter was not received, be sure to notify technical support about it and they will help you.