- Changes related to the switch to USD
The latest API changes will be quickly published on this page. They are also added to the documentation timely, but it is easier to follow them here. We hope it will be convenient for you.
Please, watch out for the updates so that your requests work correctly.
Changes related to the switch to USD
If you need the price to be displayed in rubles, then add the parameter currency=643
The following parameter has appeared: currency. More details about the requests can be found below.
Activation API
{"status":"success", "activeActivations": [
"activationId" : "635468021",
"serviceCode" : "vk",
"phoneNumber" : "79********1",
"activationCost" : "12.50",
"activationStatus" : "4",
"smsCode" : ["CODE"],
"smsText" : "[CODE]",
"activationTime" : "2022-06-01 16:59:16",
"discount" : "0.00",
"repeated" : "0",
"countryCode" : "0",
"countryName" : "Russia",
"canGetAnotherSms" : "1",
"currency": "840"//ISO 4217 Num
"id": 635468024,
"date": "2022-11-12 15:58:39",
"phone": "79918529716",
"sms": "sms":"["Your sms code"]",
"cost": 100 //For active ones cost = 0
"status": "4",
"currency": "840"//ISO 4217 Num
currency *- Optional parameter. If the value 643 is passed, prices will be displayed in RUB.
0: {
"country: 0,
"count": 43575,
"price": 15.00,
"retail_price": 30.00
... }
$freePrice = true:
0: {
"country: 0,
"count": 43575,
"price": 15.00,
"retail_price": 30.00,
"freePriceMap": { "15.00": 43242, "18.00": 333 }
... }
"activationId": "3163521040",
"phoneNumber": "7*********",
"activationCost": "1.7788",
"currency": 840,
"countryCode": "0",
"canGetAnotherSms": true,
"activationTime": "2025-01-10 03:05:32",
"activationEndTime": "2025-01-10 03:25:32",
"activationOperator": "winmobile"
currency *- Optional parameter. If the value 643 is passed, prices will be displayed in RUB.
currency *- Optional parameter. If the value 643 is passed, prices will be displayed in RUB.
currency *- Optional parameter. If the value 643 is passed, prices will be displayed in RUB.
'status': 'success',
Rental API
"status": "success",
"price": 6.33,
"currency": 840 }
"countries": {
"0": 0
"operators": {
"0": "aiva",
"1": "any",
"2": "beeline",
"16": "yota"
"services": {
"cost": 3.718,
"retail_cost": "5.577",
"quant": {
"current": 478,
"total": 733
"search_name": Full rent"
}//list service...
"realHours": 4,
"currency": 840
Temporary Email API
"status": "OK",
"response": {
"zones": [
"name": "pro",
"cost": 0.001,
"currency": 840
"status": "OK",
"response": {
"list": [
"id": "24461764",
"site": "telegram.org",
"email": "n******@hotmail.com",
"status": "4",
"value": null,
"cost": "0.0098",
"currency": "840",
"date": "2025-01-10 03:24:56",
"full_message": ""
"pages": 1,
"count": 1,
"lock_cancel_time": 120