Flamingo Villas A-32-01-05-03 25314 United Arab Emirates, Ajman
+971585072431, https://smsactivate.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/assets/img/icons/logo/logo.svg, [email protected]

API protocol for working with SMS-Activate

API is a protocol between your software and our server

API is needed for automatization of the sms, otp, and pva receiving process on your side

Our API is fully compatible with competitor sites

All requests must go to https://api.sms-activate.ae/stubs/handler_api.php

POST or GET request.

All requests must contain an API key in the form of the api_key GET parameter

Download implementation of the protocol in php Download ready-made implementation of the protocol in Python

Activation API

Request the available quantity of virtual numbers


$api_key - API key

$country * - country number see table

$operator * mobile operator numbers, you can specify several numbers separated by commas (available only for:

megafon, mts, beeline, tele2, rostelecom, any
kyivstar, life, utel, mts, vodafone
tele2, beeline, activ, altel

** available for $country = 0, $country = 1, $country = 2


The response of the service will be in json format, example:

Where to the dash is the name of the service, after the designation whether it is necessary to include redirection. 0 - no. 1 - yes.

Full list of services

Request for top countries by service FreePrice


$api_key - API key

$service * - Service see table

* optional parameter. If not specified, the top countries for all services will be displayed by default.

$freePrice * - optional parameter. If provided true, quantity and price will be provided according to Free Price


The response of the service will be in json format, example:

{ 0: { "country: 0, "count": 43575, "price": 15.00, "retail_price": 30.00 }, ... }

$freePrice = true:

{ 0: { "country: 0, "count": 43575, "price": 15.00, "retail_price": 30.00, "freePriceMap": { "15.00": 43242, "18.00": 333 } }, ... }
Balance inquiry

Balance request with cashback account:


* returns the balance taking into account the accumulated cashback, if the checkbox in the cashback account settings 'Spend cashback on activation' is ticked


$api_key - API key


ACCESS_BALANCE: 'account balance'


BAD_KEY - invalid API key

ERROR_SQL - sql-server error

Request available operators

* returns all operators available for the transferred country, if the country is not transferred - will return all operators available for each country


$api_key - API key

$country - country code


The response of the service will be in json format:

{"status":"success", "countryOperators": {
"Country1Code": ["operator1Name","operator2Name","operator3Name", ...],
"Country2Code": ["operator1Name","operator2Name","operator3Name", ...],


{"status":"success", "countryOperators": {
"0": ["beeline","megafon","mts", ...],
"1": ["life","mts","kyivstar","utel" ...],

* inside 'countryOperators' - the key will be the country code


BAD_KEY - invalid API key

ERROR_SQL - sql-server error

OPERATORS_NOT_FOUND - no records found (e.g. non-existent country transferred)

Request active activations


$api_key - API key


The response of the service will be in json format:

{"status":"success", "activeActivations": [
"activationId" : "635468021",
"serviceCode" : "vk",
"phoneNumber" : "79********1",
"activationCost" : "12.50",
"activationStatus" : "4",
"smsCode" : ["CODE"],
"smsText" : "[Your CODE registration code]",
"activationTime" : "2022-06-01 16:59:16",
"discount" : "0.00",
"repeated" : "0",
"countryCode" : "0",
"countryName" : "Russia",
"canGetAnotherSms" : "1",
"currency": "840" //ISO 4217 Num


BAD_KEY - invalid API key

ERROR_SQL - sql-server error

NO_ACTIVATIONS - entries not found (no active activations)

Request a number FreePrice


$api_key - API key

$service - service for ordering see table

$forward * - is it necessary to request a number with forwarding

* optional parameter, accepts 0 (do not execute, set by default), 1 (execute)

$maxPrice * - the maximum price for which you are ready to buy a number at Free Price

* optional parameter, if it is not specified, the purchase will take place at the regular price

$phoneException * - excluding prefixes for Russian numbers. Enter with a comma. Record format: country code and 3 to 6 digits of the mask (e.g. 7918, 7900111). The default value is the value specified in the account.

$operator* is a mobile operator of the number, you can specify several of them with a comma (only available for **)

$activationType - activation type: 0 - with sms (default), 1 - with number, 2 - with voice

$language - parsing language (required for activation with voice) see table

$userId * - user ID to ban for poor activation statistics, but the reseller's own account is not affected.

megafon, mts, beeline, tele2, rostelecom, any
kyivstar, life, utel, mts, vodafone
tele2, beeline, activ, altel

* optional field

** available for $country = 0, $country = 1, $country = 2

$ref - transfer the referral ID. More details

$country - country number see table

$useCashBack* - takes the boolean value, if the parameter is 'true', the number purchase will be made spending the cashback. After you run out of money on cashback balance, all subsequent purchases will be made using the balance. It is IMPORTANT to remember that all subsequent purchases will first of all use cashback, and after that the main balance is used (even if pass the parameter 'false' after that).

* optional parameter, accepts 'true'

By getting the number through the API, you agree with the project rules project rules


WRONG_MAX_PRICE:$min- the specified maximum price is less than the allowed one

$min - minimum allowable price

BAD_ACTION - incorrect action

BAD_SERVICE - incorrect service name

BAD_KEY - invalid API key

ERROR_SQL - sql-server error

BANNED:'YYYY-m-d H-i-s' - time for which the account is blocked

WRONG_EXCEPTION_PHONE - incorrect exclusion prefixes

NO_BALANCE_FORWARD - not enough funds to buy call forwarding

CHANNELS_LIMIT - account blocked

NO_NUMBERS - no numbers

If you try to get the number of a specific operator that does not operate in the selected country or which does not have the selected service, the number of the first operator that matches the request parameters will be returned

V2 Number Request FreePrice

the method works similarly to the method getNumber, accepts the same parameters and additional ones described below, but returns additional activation information


$orderId- activation id from the reseller's system. When purchasing, this data is compared to the activation id and a reseller in our system. Thus, we want to achieve idempotence (the same order will not be processed again).


If the request is successful, the response will be in the following format:

"activationId": 635468024,
"phoneNumber": "79584******",
"activationCost": "12.50",
"countryCode": "0",
"canGetAnotherSms": "1",
"activationTime": "2022-06-01 17:30:57",
"activationOperator": "mtt"

If you try to get the number of a specific operator that does not operate in the selected country or which does not have the selected service, the number of the first operator that matches the request parameters will be returned


ORDER_ALREADY_EXISTS- order has already been created


When you receive an SMS to a number, if you have enabled the Webhooks functionality in your settings, we will send information about the SMS to the addresses you specified using a POST request


The response format will be as follows:

"activationId": 635468024,
"service": "go",
"text": "Your sms text",
"code": "Your sms code",
"country": 0,
"receivedAt": "2022-06-01 17:30:57",

When sending a request, we will wait for a response from your script with HTTP status 200. If your script does not respond, we will send a request within 2 hours, but no more than 8 times.

You can enable this functionality inthe profile settings

Ordering a virtual number for several services


$api_key - API key

$service - service for ordering see table

$forward * - is it necessary to request a number with forwarding

* optional parameter, forwarding characters are separated by commas, the number of forwarding digits must match the number of services transmitted in the parameter $service. It is allowed to transmit only 1 service with redirection, for example "0,1,0,0" - correct, "0,1,1,0" - incorrect. Takes 0 (do not execute, default), 1 (execute)

$operator * - mobile operator of the number, you can specify several numbers separated by commas (available only for **):

megafon, mts, beeline, tele2, rostelecom, any
kyivstar, life, utel, mts, vodafone
tele2, beeline, activ, altel

$ref - transfer the referral ID. More details

$country - country number see table

By getting the number through the API, you agree with the project rules project rules


NO_NUMBERS - no numbers

NO_BALANCE - balance has ended

, where (phone - id operations, activation - Phone number, service - Service)


BAD_ACTION - incorrect action

BAD_SERVICE - incorrect service name

BAD_KEY - invalid API key

ERROR_SQL - sql-server error

BANNED:'YYYY-m-d H-i-s' - time for which the account is blocked

Change of activation status


$api_key - API key

$id - Activation ID

$forward * - phone number to which you want to forward

* required only if a parameter was passed with getNumber forward=1.

$status - activation status

1 - notify about the number availability (sms sent to the number)

3 - request one more code (for free)

6 - finish the activation *

8 - report the fact that the number has been already used and cancel the activation

* if there was a status 'code received' - marks it successfully and completes, if there was a 'preparation' - deletes and marks an error, if there was a status 'awaiting retry' - transfers activation to SMS pending

** It is not possible to change the activation status for which the verification method by call was selected if the number has already arrived

The simple logic of the chronology of working with API:

Getting a number using the getNumber method, then the following actions are available:

8 - cancel activation (if the number is not suitable for you)

1 - inform that SMS has been sent (optional)

To activation with status 1:

8 - cancel the activation

Immediately after receiving the code:

3 - request one more SMS

6 - confirm the SMS-code and finish the activation

To activation with status 3:

6 - confirm the SMS-code and finish the activation


ACCESS_READY - numbers readiness confirmed

ACCESS_RETRY_GET - waiting for a new SMS

ACCESS_ACTIVATION - the service has been successfully activated

ACCESS_CANCEL - activation canceled


EARLY_CANCEL_DENIED - it is not allowed to cancel a number within first 2 minutes

ERROR_SQL - sql-server error

NO_ACTIVATION - activation id does not exist

BAD_SERVICE - incorrect service name

BAD_STATUS - incorrect status

BAD_KEY - invalid API key

BAD_ACTION - incorrect action

WRONG_ACTIVATION_ID- invalid ID or ID is not a number.

Get activation status


$api_key - API key

$id - Activation ID


STATUS_WAIT_CODE - waiting for SMS

STATUS_WAIT_RETRY: 'past, unmatched code' - waiting for code clarification

STATUS_WAIT_RESEND - waiting for re-sending SMS *

* the software must press re-send SMS and change the status to 6

STATUS_CANCEL - activation canceled

STATUS_OK: 'activation code' - code received


NO_ACTIVATION - activation id does not exist

ERROR_SQL - sql-server error

BAD_KEY - invalid API key

BAD_ACTION - incorrect action

Get an activation status Version 2


$api_key - API key

$id - Activation ID


The response format will be as follows:

"verificationType": 2,
"sms": {
"dateTime": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"code": "code",
"text": "sms text",
"call": {
"from": "phone",
"text": "voice text",
"dateTime": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"url": "voice file url",
"parsingCount": 1,

STATUS_CANCEL - activation canceled


NO_ACTIVATION - activation id does not exist

ERROR_SQL - sql-server error

BAD_KEY - invalid API key

BAD_ACTION - incorrect action

Get activation history


$api_key - API key

$start - timestamp in Unix Timestamp format (optional) - which date to consider activations from

$end - timestamp in Unix Timestamp format (optional) - till which date to consider activations

$offset - offset of the first element returned in the response. Default is 0

$limit - maximum number returned records. Maximum is 100. Default is 50.


The response format will be as follows:

"id": 635468024,
"date": "2022-11-12 15:58:39",
"phone": "79918529716",
"sms": "sms":"["Your sms code"]",
"cost": 100 //For active ones cost = 0
"status": "4",
"currency": "840" //ISO 4217 Num


ERROR_SQL - sql-server error

BAD_KEY - invalid API key

BAD_ACTION - incorrect action

Get TOP 10 countries by a service


$api_key - API key

$service - service name


The response format will be as follows:

"country": 0,
"share": 50, // (Purchases of the chosen service by country as a percentage of the total quantity of purchases at our service)
"rate": 50 // (% of successful activations among the total number of activations by the country)


ERROR_SQL - sql-server error

BAD_KEY - invalid API key

WRONG_SERVICE - incorrect service

BAD_ACTION - incorrect action

Get the status of an incoming call


$api_key - API key

$id - Activation ID


The response of the service will be in json format, example:



2 - new activation

3 - successfully finished

4 - canceled

5 - returned


BAD_KEY - invalid API key

INVALID_ACTIVATION_ID - Invalid activation ID

Get current prices by country


$api_key - API key

$serviceShort name of the service (Optional, by default all services) see table

$countryCountry code name (Optional, defaults to all countries) see table


JSON - object in format

Get up-to-date prices for services for verification


$api_key - API key

$serviceShort name of the service (Optional, by default all services) see table


JSON - object in format

Get a list of all countries


$api_key - API key


JSON - object in format {{'Страна':{'id':0,'rus':"Россия","eng:"Russia","chn":"俄罗斯","visible":1,"retry":1,"rent":1,"multiService":1}},

where (

id : country id;

rus : country name in Russian;

eng : country name in English;

chn : country name in Chinese;

visible : 0 - country is not displayed on the site, 1 - displayed;

retry : 0 - repeated SMS is NOT available, 1 - available;

rent : 0 - country not leased, 1 - leased;

multiService : 0-country is NOT available for multiservice, 1- available.)

Get a list of all services


$api_key- API key

$country *- Country ID. If you have passed the country, we return the services that have a price for the chosen country

$lang *- which language to use to provide `name`. Possible values: 'ru', 'en', 'es', 'cn'. The default is 'en'

* optional parameter


JSON - object in format { "status": "success", "services": [ { "code": "aoo", "name": "Pegasus Airlines" } ] }

Additional service for redirected numbers

Having received the first SMS for redirected numbers, you can buy other related services such as Yula, Yandex, Avito, Any other

The cost of additional service is only 5p



$api_key - API key

$service - for the short name of the service, see the table see table

$id - Parent Activation ID


ADDITIONAL:$id:$phone - a new activation was successfully created. Where ID is ID of additional activation, phone is a phone number


WRONG_ADDITIONAL_SERVICE - Invalid additional service (only services for forwarding are allowed)

WRONG_ACTIVATION_ID - Incorrect parental activation ID

WRONG_SECURITY - an error occured when attempting to transmit an activation ID without redirection, or a completed/inactive activation

REPEAT_ADDITIONAL_SERVICE - error occurs when trying to order a purchased service again NO_BALANCE - Not sufficient funds

ERROR_SQL- database error, contact the customer service

Virtual number reactivation

If you have made a successful activation on the number, then you can do it again.

The cost of additional activation is determined depending on the country and service. The specific cost can be obtained from this query.



$api_key - API key

$activationId - Parent Activation ID


ACCESS_NUMBER:$id:$phone - a new activation has been successfully created. Where $id is ID of additional activation, $phone is a phone number


RENEW_ACTIVATION_NOT_AVAILABLE- the number is not available for additional activation

WRONG_ACTIVATION_ID - Incorrect parental activation ID

ERROR_SQL- database error, contact the customer service

NEW_ACTIVATION_IMPOSSIBLE- it is impossible to make additional activation

NO_BALANCE - no money in the account

Get a price for additional number activation

You can find out the availability of the number for additional activation and get its cost



$api_key - API key

$activationId - Parent Activation ID


JSON - object in format {'status': 'success', 'cost':200,"service":"tw","phone":777777777,"country":14},


RENEW_ACTIVATION_NOT_AVAILABLE- the number is not available for additional activation

WRONG_ACTIVATION_ID - Incorrect parental activation ID

SIM_OFFLINE - SIM card offline

Repeated voice parsing


$api_keyapi key

$id - Activation ID

$newLang - new parsing language see table


The response format will be as follows:

"result": "OK"

STATUS_CANCEL - activation canceled

NO_CALL- no call was received

PARSE_COUNT_EXCEED- limit of parsing attempts (maximum is 4)


WRONG_ACTIVATION_ID - invalid ID, activation does not exist

ERROR_SQL - sql-server error

BAD_KEY - invalid API key

BAD_ACTION - incorrect action

Rent Api

Request available countries and services


$api_key - API key

$time* - rental time (by default: 4 hours)

$operator* - mobile operator of the number, you can specify several of them separated by commas (by default: Any)

$country* - country (by default: Russia)

$currency* - iso code of the currency in which to display prices

$incomingCall * - if transferred "true"get a number supporting a function to receive a call


The response of the service will be in json format, example:

{ "countries": { "0": 0 }, "operators": { "0": "aiva", "1": "any", "2": "beeline", ... "16": "yota" }, "services": { "full": { "cost": 42.93, "quant": 20 }, "vk": { "cost": 21.95, "quant": 20 }, "ok": { "cost": 7.68, "quant": 55 }, "ot": { "cost": 5.2, "quant": 42 } }, "currency": 840 }


BAD_KEY - invalid API key

OUT_OF_STOCK - numbers for that country are unavailable

Order a virtual number rental


$api_key - API key

$service - the service for which you need to get a number

$time* - rental time in hours (default: 4 hours). The next available time period is 12 hours, then 24 hours. When requesting a rental for a day or more, you must transfer: 24, 48, 72, etc.

$operator* - mobile operator of the number, you can specify several of them separated by commas (by default: Any)

$country* - country (by default: Russia)

$url * - a link for the webhook (is not considered by default)

$incomingCall * - if transferred "true"get a number supporting a function to receive a call

What is webHook?

* optional parameter. If not specified, the default parameter will be used.


The response of the service will be in json format, example:

{ "status": "success", "phone": { "id": 1049, "endDate": "2020-01-31T12:01:52", "number": "79959707564" } }


BAD_KEY - invalid API key

Answer in json format:

{ "status": "error", "message": "*possible_answer*" }

Possible answers in the field "message":

BAD_SERVICE - service not specified or name is incorrect

NO_BALANCE - no money in the account

NO_NUMBERS - no numbers

ACCOUNT_INACTIVE- the account is not active

SERVER_ERROR - server error

CHANNELS_LIMIT - account blocked

get status for rent


$api_key - API key

$id - Rental ID received in the reply when ordering a number

$page* - number of the page from which the selection begins (page numbering starts from 0, from new to old; default is 0)

$size* - page size (default 10)

* optional parameter. If not specified, the default parameter will be used.


The response of the service will be in json format, example:

{ "status": "success", "quantity": "2", "values": { "0": { "phoneFrom": "79180230628", "text": "5", "service": "ot", "date": "2020-01-30 14:31:58" }, "1": { "phoneFrom": "79180230628", "text": "4", "service": "ot", "date": "2020-01-30 14:04:16" } } }

* successful only when there is a sms (box 'quantity' > 0).


BAD_KEY - invalid API key

Answer in json format:

{ "status": "error", "message": "*possible_answer*" }

Possible answers in the field "message":

NO_ID_RENT - rent ID is not specified

INVALID_PHONE - the number is rented not by you (invalid rent ID)

STATUS_FINISH - rent paid and completed

STATUS_CANCEL - rent canceled with a refund

STATUS_WAIT_CODE - waiting for the first SMS

STATUS_REVOKE - The number is blocked, your funds have been returned

Rental Status Change


$api_key - API key

$id - Rental ID received in the reply when ordering a number

$status - code for changing the status (number)

The status can be:



The response of the service will be in json format:

{ "status": "success" }


BAD_KEY - invalid API key

Answer in json format:

{ "status": "error", "message": "*possible_answer*" }

Possible answers in the field "message":

NO_ID_RENT - rent ID is not specified

INCORECT_STATUS - missing or incorrectly specified status

CANT_CANCEL - it is impossible to cancel the lease (more than 20 min.)

INVALID_PHONE - the number is rented not by you (invalid rent ID)

ALREADY_FINISH - the lease has already been completed

ALREADY_CANCEL - the lease has already been canceled

SERVER_ERROR - server error

List current activations

👉Attention! This method displays only the last 10 numbers. If you need more numbers, use the getRentStatus method to check statuses.


$api_key - API key


The response of the service will be in json format:

{ "status": "success", "values": { "0": { "id": "12345", "phone": "79181234567" }, "1": { "id": "12345", "phone": "79181234568" } } }


BAD_KEY - invalid API key

BAD_ACTION - incorrect action

Answer in json format:

{ "status": "error", "message": "*possible_answer*" }

Possible answers in the field "message":

NO_NUMBERS - no rented numbers

SERVER_ERROR - server error

Extend your lease


$api_key - API key

$id - id rent

$rent_time- rental time (by default: 4 hours)


The response of the service will be in json format:

{ "status": "success", "phone": { "id": 1049, "endDate": "2020-01-31T12:01:52", "number": "79959707564"} }

When a completed rent is prolonged, it will be reordered, a new id will be provided


BAD_KEY - invalid API key

BAD_ACTION - incorrect action

SERVER_ERROR - server error

Answer in json format:

{ "status": "error", "message": "*possible_answer*", "info": "*details*" }

Possible answers in the field "message":

NO_ID_RENT - there is no rent ID

INVALID_TIME - wrong time. Available number of hours from 4 to 1344

MAX_HOURS_EXCEED - The maximum of available time was exceeded


max - maximum available time

INVALID_PHONE - incorrect rent ID

RENT_DIE - rent cannot be extended because the number has expired

NO_BALANCE - insufficient funds

CHANNELS_LIMIT - account blocked

Get the cost of rent renewal


$api_key - API key

$id - id rent

$rent_time - rent time

$currency* - iso code of the currency in which to display the price


The response of the service will be in json format:

{ "status": "success", "price": 6.33, "currency": 840 }


BAD_KEY - invalid API key

BAD_ACTION - incorrect action

SERVER_ERROR - server error

Answer in json format:

{ "status": "error", "message": "*possible_answer*" }

Possible answers in the field "message":

NO_ID_RENT - there is no rent ID

INVALID_PHONE - incorrect rent ID

INVALID_TIME - incorrect time setting

RENT_DIE - rent cannot be extended because the number has expired

MAX_HOURS_EXCEED - The maximum of available time was exceeded


max - maximum available time

CHANNELS_LIMIT - account blocked


Beginning of work

Include the library in maven


You can see an example of registration by ссылке на MavenRepository

Import the main class to interact with the SMS-Activate API.

import ru.sms_activate.SMSActivateApi

To use the library, you need an API key, you can get it on this page and at the link below.

SMS-Activate API-Key
An example of working with balance

To get the current balance on your account, use the method getBalance... If you are interested in cashback in addition to the balance, then call the method getBalanceAndCashBack.

Method getBalanceAndCashBack returns a class objectSMSActivateGetBalanceAndCashBack.

getBalance: Get the current account balance





getBalanceAndCashBack: Get balance and cashback amount as full balance



getNumber: Get activation


countryId(Integer) - country identifier.

service(String) - service's short name.

forward*(boolean) -whether to request a number with call forwarding.

operatorSet*(Set) - set of operators.

phoneException*(Set) - excluding prefixes only for Russia, a set of numbers from 3 to 6 (7918,7900111).

* optional box. If nothing is specified, the default quantity will be given according to the setting in the profile.



getNumberStatus: Get information about available services


countryId(Integer) - country identifier.

operatorSet*(Set) - set of operators that are available for the service

getAdditionalService: Returns the additional service for the call forwarding number.


id(Integer) - activation identifier

service(String) - service's short name.

Instead of the activation identifier, you can pass the received class object SMSActivateActivation after using the method getNumber or one of the activations after use getMultiServiceNumber.

getMultiServiceNumber: Get activation for multiple services


countryId(Integer) - country identifier.

serviceMap(Set) - set of services which activation is purchased for

multiForwardList(List) - list of services with call forwarding available

operatorSet(Set) - set of operators.

getAllPrices: Get a complete list of activation prices



getPricesByCountryIdAndServiceShortName: Get a list of activation prices by country and service


countryId(Integer) - country identifier.

service(String) - service's short name.

getPricesAllServicesByCountryId: Get a list of activation prices by country


countryId(Integer) - country identifier.

getStatus: Get activation status


activationId(Integer) - activation identifier

Instead of the activation identifier, you can pass the received class object SMSActivateActivation after using the method getNumber or one of the activations after use getMultiServiceNumber.

setStatus: Set activation status


id(Integer) - activation identifier

status(SMSActivateClientStatus) - the status that is to be set for activation

Instead of the activation identifier, you can pass the received class object SMSActivateActivation after using the method getNumber or one of the activations after use getMultiServiceNumber.

getCountries: Get information about countries



getFullSms: Get full text of sms from the number


activationId(Integer) - activation identifier

Instead of the activation identifier, you can pass the received class object SMSActivateActivation after using the method getNumber or one of the activations after use getMultiServiceNumber.

Algorithm for receiving the full text of SMS with activation

Getting a number using the getNumber method, then the following actions are available:

CANCEL - 8 - Cancel the activation (if the number does not match you)

MESSAGE_WAS_SENT - Inform that SMS has been sent (Mandatory to receive the full text of the sms)

After the mandatory setting of the MESSAGE_WAS_SENT status, set the variable to receive SMS using the waitSMS method with the activation parameters and the time to wait for the SMS.

After receiving the SMS, you can get it using the getFullSMS method and then display the full text using the getText () method getText()

After that, you can set the activations to the following statuses:

To activate with the status MESSAGE_WAS_SENT:

CANCEL - Cancel activation

Immediately after receiving the code:


FINISH - Confirm SMS code and complete activation

To activate with the status REQUEST_ONE_MORE_CODE:

FINISH - Confirm SMS code and complete activation

getRentNumber: Get number with the rent option


countryId(Integer) - country identifier.

service(String) - service's short name.

hours(Integer)* - rental time

operator(String)* - mobile operator's name

urlWebhook(String)* - link for webhook (Not considered by default)

What is webHook?

* optional parameter. If not specified, the default will be

GetRentServicesAndCountriesRun: Get services and countries for rent


countryId(Integer) - country identifier.

operatorSet(Set) - set of mobile operators

hours(Integer)* - rental time

* optional parameter. If not specified, the default will be

GetRentStatusJava: Get a status for rent


rentId(Integer) - identifier of the rented number

Instead of rentId, you can pass the resulting class object SMSActivateRentActivation after using the method getRentNumber



Email API

Description of API statuses

3 - Waiting

4 - Cancel

5 - Success

Mail API Version 2


Stricter adherence to the principles of the REST API and an increased number of gmail.com mailboxes for registering Telegram accounts.

Get a list with offers


$api_key - API key

$site- The site which you needs an email for


The response of the service will be in json format, example:



BAD_SITE- Site is not specified

BAD_KEY - invalid API key

BAD_ACTION - incorrect action

Buy verification by mail


$api_key - API key

$site - the site which you needs an email for

$mail_type - mail type: popular domains or zones (1 - zones 2 - popular)

$mail_domain - chosen zone or domain


The response of the service will be in json format, example:

                        "response":{"email":"[email protected]","id":241}


BAD_KEY - invalid API key

BAD_ACTION - incorrect action

MAIL_TYPE_ERROR - there is no such domain for the specified site

CHANNELS_LIMIT - account blocked

Mail reactivation


$api_key - API key

$id- Id of the mail which reactivation is required for


The response of the service will be in json format, example:

                            "status": "OK",
                        "response": {
                            "email": "[email protected]",
                            "id": 360


BAD_KEY - invalid API key

BAD_ACTION - incorrect action

BLOCKED_SITE - blocked website

BAD_BALANCE - insufficient funds

ACTIVATION_NOT_FOUND - the activation not found

CHANNELS_LIMIT - account blocked

Get a list of active purchases


$api_key - API key

$page- page number

$per_page- number of purchases on each page

$search- search bar

$sort- sorting direction. (desc, asc)


The response of the service will be in json format, example:

                                "email":"[email protected]",
                                "date":"2023-10-06 14:24:13",
Cancel the email purchase


$api_key - API key

$id- purchase id


The response of the service will be in json format, example:



EARLY_CANCEL_DENIED - You cannot cancel mail for the first 2 minutes.

Check if the e-mail has been recieved


$api_key - API key

$id- id of the purchased email, it's returned after an email purchase


The response of the service will be in json format, example:

                            "value":"Содержания письма"

API Partner software

Buy partner software


$api_key - API key

$id- Id of the software that you need to purchase


The response of the service will be in json format, example:

                            "status": "success",
                            "key": "F5qrzFoY6afj3zrEq7SeMplbx",
                            "manual": "Software download link:"                            


BAD_DATA - Incorrect ID or ID is not a number

BAD_ACTION - invalid action or the reseller is not verified.

                            include_once ("smsactivateApi.php");//Inclusion of a class in a project
                            $sms = new SMSActivate($API_KEY);//Create class instance SMSActivate

$freeSlots = $sms->getNumbersStatus(0, 'tele2');//Get the number of available numbers for the country of Russia and the tele2 operator echo "Номеров Вконтакте: " . $freeSlots['vk']."\n";//Show for Vk
echo "Номеров Whatsapp: " . $freeSlots['wa']."\n";//Show for whatsapp
var_dump($freeSlots); //Show all services with quantity
$array=$activate->getTopCountriesByService(); //Get an array whose elements contain information for each country $balance = $sms->getBalance();//Get balance echo "On the account " . $balance." $.\n";//Show balance
$balance = $sms->getBalanceAndCashBack();//Request a balance with cashback account echo "On the account " . $balance." $.\n";//Request a balance with cashback account
$operators = $sms->getOperators(); //Get operators for all countries if (in_array('mts', $operators['countryOperators'][0])) { //check if 'mts' is available for Russia //perform an action } if (in_array('chinamobile', $operators['countryOperators'][3])) { //check if 'chinamobile' is available for China //perform an action } $activations = $sms->getActiveActivations(); $number = $sms->getNumber('ok',0, 0, 'tele2');//Get Odnoklassniki number without forwarding echo "Activation № " . $number['id']. "Phone ". $number['number'] \n";//Show id and activation number
$result = $sms->getNumber('vk', 0 , 1); if (!is_array($result)) { echo 'Ошибка: ' . $result . '\n';//If an error occurs, a string will be returned, if successful, an array will be returned. } else { echo 'Id: ' . $result['id'] ."\n"; echo 'Номер: ' . $result['number'] ."\n"; }
$result = $sms->getNumberV2('vk', 0 , 1); $number = $sms->getMultiServiceNumber('ok,vk,vi,av','0,0,0,1', 0, 'tele2');//Get a number for services Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Viber without call forwarding and Avito with call forwarding foreach ($number as $value) { echo "Activation № " . $value['activation']. " for service ". $value['service'] ."\n"; }
echo "Number " . $value['phone'] ."\n";//Show activation id and number
$status = $sms->setStatus($number['id'], 3);//Change activation status by id (get 1 more code) $status = $sms->getStatus($number['id']);//Get activation status by id if (is_array($status) { echo "статус : " . $status['status'];//Can be STATUS_OK or STATUS_WAIT_RETRY, otherwise a line with error text will be returned echo "код: " . $status['code']; } else { echo $status ."\n"; } $incomingCall = $sms->getIncomingCallStatus($id);//Get activation data by call echo $incomingCall['phone'] //Show incoming number $prices = $sms->getPrices(1, 'vk');//Get the current price for the service echo "Price for VK (Ukraine) : " .$prices[1]['vk']['cost']."$quantity: ". $prices[1]['vk']['count'];//Show the result $countries = $sms->getCountries();//Get a list of all countries $additional = $sms->getAdditionalService('fx', $id);//Get additional activation for PGbonus service based on id activation echo "Activation no.: " . $additional[id] . " Telephone: " . $additional[number];//Show the result $getAvailableRentNumbers = $sms->getRentServicesAndCountries('2');//Request available countries for rent and services (for 2 hours for all operators) echo "Full rental - Cost:" . $getAvailableRentNumbers['services']['full']['cost'] . " Quant :" .$getAvailableRentNumbers['services']['full']['quant'] ." \n"; //Display full price information
foreach( $getAvailableRentNumbers['operators'] as $value) { echo " Operator " . $value ."\n"; }//List operators
$getRentNumber = $sms->getRentNumber('vk','10','0','yota');//Get a number for rent for Vkontakte for 10 hours, operator 'Yota', country - Russia if ($getRentNumber['status'] === 'success'){ echo "The rental was successful! Your phone number is: " . $getRentNumber['phone']['number']." \nRent expiration : ". $getRentNumber['phone']['endDate']." \nId numbers :" .$getRentNumber['phone']['id'] ; }//Display rental information
else echo "Error code : " . $getRentNumber['message'];
$getRentStatus = $sms->getRentStatus($getRentNumber['phone']['id']);//Get the rent status with id from the received number if ($getRentStatus['status'] == 'success'){ foreach( $getRentStatus['values']as $index => $value) { echo " Message " . $index .": from the number - " . $value['phoneFrom'] . " Service - " . $value ['service'] . "message text - " . $value['text'] . "Date - " . $value['date']; } }//display a list of messages received while renting a phone else echo "Error code : " . $getRentStatus['message']; $setRentStatus = $sms->setRentStatus($getRentNumber['phone']['id'],1);//Set rental status 'finish' with id from received number if ($setRentStatus['status'] == 'success') echo " Status change was successful! "; else echo "Error code : " . $setRentStatus['message']; $getRentList = $sms->getRentList();//Get a list of currently rented numbers if (getRentList['status'] == 'success') foreach( $getRentList['values'] as $value) { echo " ID " . $value["id"] . " Number " . $value["phone"] ."\n"; }//List numbers else echo "Error code : " . $getRentList['message']; $result = $sms->continueRentNumber($id);//Extend the lease of activation id for 4 hours (by default) if ($result['status'] == 'success') { echo "Number: " . $result['phone']['number']"//Display number echo "id: " . $result['phone']['id']"//Display activation id echo "The lease is valid until: " . $result['phone']['endDate']"//Display the date and time of the end of the lease } else { echo "Error code : " . $result['msg']; } $result = $sms->getContinueRentPriceNumber($id, 12);//Get the cost of renewing the lease to activate the id for 12 hours if ($result['status'] == 'success') { echo " Renewal cost " . $result['price'];//Withdraw the cost } else { echo "Error code: " . $result['message']; //Display error code }
                        from smsactivate.api import SMSActivateAPI
                         # SMSActivateAPI Contains all basic tools for working with the SMSActivate API
                        sa = SMSActivateAPI(API_KEY)
sa.debug_mode = True # Used for debugging. When debug_mode is active, all responses from the server and class will be output to the console print(sa.version()) # Returns the current version of the library status = sa.getNumbersStatus(country=0, operator='tele2') try: print(status['vk_0']) # 274789 except: print(status['message']) # Error text
result = sa.getTopCountriesByService('vk') try: print(result[0]['count']) # 2350 except: print(result['message']) # Error text balance = sa.getBalance() # {'balance': '100.00'} try: print(balance['balance']) # 100.00 except: print(balance['message']) # Error text
balance = sa.getBalanceAndCashBack() # {'balance': '100.00'} try: print(balance['balance']) # 100.00 except: print(balance['message']) # Error text
operators = sa.getOperators(country=0) try: print(operators['countryOperators']['0']) except: print(operators['error']) # Error status activations = sa.getActiveActivations() try: print(activations['activeActivations']) except: print(activations['error']) # Error status number = sa.getNumber(service='vk', operator='tele2', country=0, verification="true") # {'activation_id': 000000000, 'phone': 79999999999} try: print(number['phone']) # 79999999999 except: print(number['message']) # Error text number = sa.getNumberV2(service='vk', country=0) try: print(number['phoneNumber']) # 79999999999 except: print(number['message']) # Error text multinumber = sa.getMultiServiceNumber(service='fb,ig', operator='tele2', country=0) # [{'phone': '79999999999', 'activation': 000000000, 'service': 'fb'}, {'phone': '79999999999', 'activation': 000000001, 'service': 'ig'}] try: print(multinumber[0]['phone']) # 79999999999 except: print(multinumber['message']) # Error text status = sa.setStatus(id=000000000, status=1) # ACCESS_READY try: print(status) # ACCESS_READY except: print(status['message']) # Error text status = sa.getStatus(id=000000000) # STATUS_WAIT_CODE try: print(sa.activationStatus(status)) # {'status': 'STATUS_WAIT_CODE', 'message': 'Ожидание смс'} except: print(status['message']) # Error text status = sa.getIncomingCallStatus(id=000000000) try: print(status['status']) # 2 except: print(status['message']) # Error text prices = sa.getPrices(service='fb', country=0) try: print(prices['0']) # {'fb': {'cost': 9, 'count': 27934}} except: print(prices['message']) # Error text countries = sa.getCountries() try: print(countries['0']['eng']) # Russia except: print(countries['message']) # Error text service = sa.getAdditionalService(id=000000000, service='ig') try: print(service['phone']) # 79999999999 except: print(service['message']) # Error text service = sa.getRentServicesAndCountries(time=4, operator='tele2', country=0) try: print(service['services']['full']['cost']) # 100.00 except: print(service['message']) # Error text rent = sa.getRentNumber(service='ig', time=4, operator='tele2', country=0) try: print(rent['phone']['number']) # 79999999999 except: print(rent['message']) # Error text status = sa.getRentStatus(000000000) try: print(status['values']['0']['text']) # SMS except: print(status['message']) # Error text status = sa.setRentStatus(id=000000000, status=1) try: print(status['status']) # success except: print(status['message']) # Error text rent = sa.getRentList() try: print(rent['values']['0']['phone']) # 79999999999 except: print(rent['message']) # Error text rent = sa.continueRentNumber(id=000000000, time=4) try: print(rent['phone']['number']) # 79999999999 except: print(rent['message']) # Error text rent = sa.getContinueRentPriceNumber(000000000) try: print(status['price']) # 4.00 except: print(status['message']) # Error text
                            import ru.sms_activate.SMSActivateApi;//Inclusion of a class in a project
SMSActivateApi smsActivateApi = new SMSActivate("API_KEY");//Create an instance of the SMSActivate class
BigDecimal balance = smsActivateApi.getBalance();//Get the current account balance System.out.println("Balance: "+ balance)//Withdraw the received balance SMSActivateGetBalanceAndCashbackResponse smsActivateGetBalanceAndCashbackResponse = smsActivateApi.getBalanceAndCashback();//Get current balance and cashback System.out.println("Cashback + balance: "+ smsActivateGetBalanceAndCashbackResponse.getBalanceAndCashback());//Withdraw the amount of balance and cashback SMSActivateActivation activation=smsActivateApi.getNumber(0,"vk")//Get activation for the Vkontakte service in Russia System.out.println(activation);//Withdraw the received activation SMSActivateGetNumbersStatusResponse smsActivateGetNumbersStatusResponse= smsActivateApi.getNumberStatus(0,null);//Get information about available services for Russia
SMSActivateServiceInfo go = smsActivateGetNumbersStatusResponse.getSMSActivateServiceInfoByShortName("go");//Getting information about numbers for the Google service
System.out.println("Short name service: " + go.getShortName();//Get the short name of the service System.out.println("count phone numbers: "+ go.getCountPhoneNumber();//Get the number of numbers for the service System.out.println(""Forwarding is available: "+ go.isForward() ? "yes" : "no"//Find out if the service has a redirect
SMSActivateActivation activation=smsActivateApi.getNumbersStatus(0,"ot",true);//Activations
smsActivateApi.setStatus(activation, SMSActivateClientStatus.MESSAGE_WAS_SENT);//Setting the MESSAGE_WAS_SENT status after sending SMS for the number
SMSActivateActivation childActivation =smsActivateApi.getAdditionalService(activation,"av");//Requesting a new activation for an additional service
System.out.println(childActivation);//Displaying information about additional activation
Set<String>operatorSet= new HashSet<>(); operatorSet.add("mts");//Adding an MTS operator to the set of operators Map<String,Boolean>serviceMap= new HashMap<>(); serviceMap.put("av",false);//Adding the Avito service to the list of services (specify true if you need a service with redirection)
SMSActivateGetMultiServiceNumberResponse multiServiceNumberResponse=smsActivateApi.getMultiServiceNumber(0, serviceMap, operatorSet);//Getting activation for multiple services
multiServiceNumberResponse.getSMSActivateActivationList().forEach(activation->{ System.out.println("Id: " + activation.getId()); System.out.println("Number: " + activation.getNumber()); System.out.println("Service name: " + activation.getShortName()); } //Displaying information about received activations
SMSActivateGetPricesResponse smsActivateGetPricesResponse=smsActivateApi.getPricesByCountryIdAndServiceShortName(0, "vk");//Obtaining a list of prices for Russia on the Vkontakte service. For a complete list of prices, use the getAllPrices () method;
SMSActivateGetPriceInfo vk=smsActivateGetPricesResponse.getPriceInfo(0, "vk");//Getting information about the Vkontakte service for Russia
System.out.println(">>> Cost: "+ vk.getCost());//Get a price for the service System.out.println(">>> count phone numbers: " + vk.getCountPhoneNumbers());//Get the number of numbers for the service
SMSActivateActivation activation=smsActivateApi.getNumber(0,"vk")//Get activation for the Vkontakte service in Russia System.out.println(activation);//Withdraw the received activation SMSActivateGetStatusResponse getResponse = smsActivateApi.getStatus(activation);//Getting a status for activation
System.out.println(getResponse.getSMSActivateGetStatus());//Displaying information about the activation status
smsActivateApi.setStatus(activation, SMSActivateClientStatus.MESSAGE_WAS_SENT);//Setting the MESSAGE_WAS_SENT status after receiving SMS for the number
smsActivateApi.setStatus(activation, SMSActivateClientStatus.FINISH);//Setting the FINISH status after receiving SMS for the number
SMSActivateGetCountriesResponse smsActivateGetCountriesResponse =smsActivateApi.getCountries();//Getting a list of countries with information SMSActivateCountryInfo countryInfo = smsActivateGetCountriesResponse.get(0)//Getting information about the first country on the list
System.out.println("Russian name: "+countryInfo.getRussianName();//Display the Russian name of the country System.out.println("English name: "+countryInfo.getEnglishName();//Display the Russian name of the country System.out.println("Support multi-service: "+ countryInfo.isSupportMultiService() ? "yes" : "no"//Show if the country supports multi-services
SMSActivateActivation activation=smsActivateApi.getNumber(0,"vk")//Get activation for the Vkontakte service in Russia smsActivateApi.setStatus(activation, SMSActivateClientStatus.MESSAGE_WAS_SENT);//Setting the MESSAGE_WAS_SENT status after sending SMS for the number String code=smsActivateApi.waitSms(activation,2)//Set receiving sms within 2 minutes if(code == null) { smsActivateApi.setStatus(activation, SMSActivateClientStatus.CANCEL);//Setting the CANCEL status if sms has not arrived }
SMSActivateGetFullSmsResponse smsActivateGetFullSmsResponse=smsActivateApi.getFullSms(activation)//Receiving sms text System.out.println("Full SMS: "+smsActivateGetFullSmsResponse.getText());//SMS text output }
SMSActivateRentActivation rentActivation= smsActivateApi.getRentNumber(0, "vk", 6);//Getting a number with rent System.out.println(">> ID: "+rentActivation.getId());//Activation ID withdrawal System.out.println(">> Number: "+rentActivation.getId());//Displaying the activation number System.out.println(">> End date: "+rentActivation.getId());//Displaying the activation expiration date SMSActivateGetRentServicesAndCountriesResponse smsActivateGetRentServicesAndCountriesResponse= smsActivateApi.getRentServicesAndCountries(0, null, 4);//Obtaining information on services and countries that support rental
smsActivateGetRentServicesAndCountriesResponse.getAllRentServices().forEach((serviceShortName, smsActivateRentService)->{ System.out.println("Service shortname: " + serviceShortName);
System.out.println(" count phone numbers: " + smsActivateRentService.getCountPhoneNumbers());
System.out.println(">> Cost: " + smsActivateRentService.getCost()); }
//Displaying information about received services
SMSActivateRentActivation rentActivation= smsActivateApi.getRentNumber(0, "vk");//Getting a number with rent SMSActivateGetRentStatusResponse smsActivateGetRentStatusResponse= smsActivateApi.getRentStatus(rentActivation);//Getting activation status System.out.println(">> Count sms: "+ smsActivateGetRentStatusResponse.getCountSms());//Displaying the number of sms on the rented number

{{ texts.verificationVoiceTextFirst }}

{{ texts.verificationVoiceTextSecond }}

{{ texts.verificationVoiceTextThird }}